Trends & Life Inspiration

Vader's Guide to Galactic Dress Codes: From Semi-Casual Conquests to Professional Planet Negotiations

Vader's Guide to Galactic Dress Codes: From Sem...

Gathered in the imposing auditorium of the Death Star, Vader’s audience was a mix of elite troopers, aspiring officers, and droids (the latter being there mostly for moral support). With...

Vader's Guide to Galactic Dress Codes: From Sem...

Gathered in the imposing auditorium of the Death Star, Vader’s audience was a mix of elite troopers, aspiring officers, and droids (the latter being there mostly for moral support). With...

Darth Vader's Daring Droid Dialogue: Steering the Empire through the AI Revolution

Darth Vader's Daring Droid Dialogue: Steering t...

In an unprecedented move that surprised many in the Galactic Empire, Vice CEO Darth Vader took to the stage, flanked by AI droids, to address the simmering fears of job...

Darth Vader's Daring Droid Dialogue: Steering t...

In an unprecedented move that surprised many in the Galactic Empire, Vice CEO Darth Vader took to the stage, flanked by AI droids, to address the simmering fears of job...